Libbie's Baptism
Summer is in full effect. My garden is growing and I plan on preparing my side yard for raised beds soon. Lambert built me the sweetest planter box next to the pool and we filled it with echinacia and cone flowers and tiny boxwoods. I installed the pump on my little french water feature and we threw a fabulous party for Libbie to celebrate her baptism. So were Baptist and we baptize after we make a decision to follow Christ. I've always been fascinated with other denominations practices. So we don't sprinkle, but we do baby dedication. When we ask Christ to forgive our sins and accept His gift of salvation, we follow in baptism to publicly demonstrate our relationship with Him. So Libbie came home just before school let out for Summer and told us that she was ready to make a decision to follow Jesus. She understood that ALL have sinned (including her) and that she needed Jesus. It was the sweetest, purest prayer and she did it all on her own. I have prayed for Libbie since before we brought her home and this just blessed me as a mom more than I can express. Her friends and family packed the pews Sunday morning as she prepared for her baptism. She was scared to stand in front of so many people and at one point she wasn't sure she could do it. Her sweet friend came up to the area where she was getting ready and prayed with her and assured her she could do it! Libbie doesn't cry easily so I knew when I saw tears she was really scared. I am so proud of her decision and her willingness to stand for what she believes. I can't wait to see what God does in her life and I know He has BIG plans for our little doll!
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